Rebecca Robuck


Rebecca M. Robuck is a policy expert, social worker, and Partner at ChildFocus.

Now in her thirteenth year at ChildFocus, Rebecca works at the intersection between policy and philanthropy. She directs the National Child Abuse Coalition, a coalition of 28 national organizations focused on the front-end of the child welfare system. Rebecca also staffs the Child Welfare Funders Collaborative, a network of 14 foundations investing in innovative approaches to improving child and family well-being, as well as the Foster Care Workgroup and the newly-launched Policy Action Table within the Youth Transition Funders Group (YTFG), a philanthropic network focused on young people with experience in foster care, juvenile justice, or homelessness. She also works on policy issues related to substance use disorders and child welfare, trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and expectant and parenting youth. Rebecca is passionate about engaging individuals with lived expertise in policy discussions and decision-making.

Previously Rebecca was a Legislative Assistant to Representative Jim Cooper, where she handled a range of issues affecting children and families with a special emphasis on child welfare. She has also served as a case manager conducting family home visits and as an advisor to city agency officials. Rebecca holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from Davidson College and Masters degrees in Public Administration and Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania. While in Philadelphia, she was a writer for the Philadelphia Social Innovations Journal.

Originally from Nashville, TN, Rebecca now lives in Bethesda, MD, with her husband John and their three young daughters.


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